Our Programs and Services

At the Zakari Walker Group, we offer a comprehensive range of services in program development and evaluation to help organizations achieve their objectives and make a positive impact. Our services include:

Program Planning & Design

We work closely with our clients to develop customized program plans that align with their mission, vision, and goals. We help identify target populations, set measurable objectives, design program activities, and establish implementation strategies.

Needs Assessment

We conduct thorough needs assessments to identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities within an organization or community. Our assessments provide valuable insights that inform program development and ensure that resources are allocated effectively.

Logic Model Development

We assist in creating logic models that visually represent the connections between program activities, outputs, and outcomes. These models serve as a roadmap for program implementation, evaluation, and continuous improvement.

Program Evaluation

We conduct rigorous evaluations to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of programs. Our evaluation methods include data collection, analysis, and reporting to provide organizations with actionable insights and evidence-based recommendations.

Data Collection & Analysis

We utilize various data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation, to gather relevant information. Our team employs advanced statistical analysis techniques to interpret and derive meaningful insights from collected data.

Performance Measurement

We help organizations establish performance measurement frameworks and develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure program success. This enables continuous monitoring and ensures accountability.

Capacity Building & Training

We offer capacity-building workshops and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of program staff in areas such as program development, monitoring, and evaluation. These opportunities empower organizations to build internal evaluation capacity and sustain program improvement efforts.

Reporting & Communication

We provide comprehensive and visually engaging reports that effectively communicate evaluation findings, recommendations, and program impact. Our reports are tailored to the needs of various stakeholders, including funders, board members, and program participants.


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